As you all begin your websites, share a little about the early journey. How hard is it to come up with what to include? How are you liking your About Me/Profile page? Did you find a good picture to use? What tabs did you decide on (remember, you can modify the rubric to fit YOUR needs)? At this early stage, what questions/concerns do you have? Have you updated your resume, cultivated your experiences that are relevant? Start thinking about the next stages!
SHARE! Post by Thursday, April 13 and respond by class time next Tuesday, April 18th.
I am really struggling on how personal to get and what to include and not include in the about me section. I really am enjoying doing the website besides figuring out how to use the program. I think I found an appropriate picture to use. I am going to have an about me tab, professional work tab, a my work tab, a contact tab and a my writing tab as of right now this may change. I still need to make a linkdin and update my Resume as I have a lot to add. I never thought about having my website and think this is a fun and great opportunity for me.
ReplyDeleteI had the same struggle but like I said in my response I think it is good to have a little bit of both. Keep the fun facts and pictures appropriate but people need to know a little bit about your personality, your interests, your cows lol! And like I said in class, when you get frustrated save your work, walk away, and come back later. It really helps the process!
DeleteI think the tabs you are adding will be really go for your future! But, it is still good that you know you might need to add or take a way certain tabs. I hope you successfully got your resume updated! I know it can be time consuming but it will be really helpful that you are doing it now and not later!
DeleteI agree i thinks its so cool that we are all going to have our own website and the end and i'm so excited to see how everyone's turns out. Its a great idea to include an "my work tab"that will be useful
DeleteI like all of your tabs and I also need to make a linkdin still. I never even thought about making one or a website, so this has really helped me a lot with knowing what I need to do!
DeleteFor me, it is a little bit difficult for me to decide on what to keep and what to take off. I changed my About Me a little bit because since I am student teaching soon so I felt that I needed to add that. I am still not sure on what I will be adding when it comes to the later part of the website. This is something that I will give more thought to later. I do need to make my LinkedIn account and get that set up. I have updated my resume and teaching philosophy already so that is already finished.
ReplyDeleteit sounds like you've made a lot of progress, well done! I think its a good idea to include that you will be student teaching soon because that will be great experience.
DeleteYeah it's hard for me to come up with what to put for the later part of the website too. I think taking it a little bit of a time has helped me a lot. It is definitely nice to have your resume and teaching philosophy updated because it is a few less steps!
DeleteYou are coming along great! I also need to update my resume and teaching philosophy. It's nice to have someone in class that has already done this once before!
DeleteIt has been a bit of a challenge for me to do my About Me page. I think the picture is a pretty easy choice, but what to say is difficult. I feel like once I get that done though, the rest will come pretty easily. I just need to decide what I want to say and say it. There were a lot of things I didn't think about before Tuesday, so talking about it as a class made me realize what exactly I need to have. My resume is updated, I just need to figure out how much of my teaching philosophy I want to put in. My tabs right now are the ones on the rubric, but this may change as I am making it.
ReplyDeleteThe about me's are hard to write. I want to be fun and professional so that can be a little bit hard to get across. Since my about me is the first thing that pops up and this will be what viewers read first so it needs to be good. I am glad that class helped you figure you out this assignment a bit better.
DeleteYeah i agree with you about the teaching philosophy, i also don't know how much to include, i think i might make an abstract of my philosophy and also include the whole philosophy in a link. I think Dr Bum had showed us an example where a student had done that and I liked the way it looked
DeleteI really struggled writing the about me. I was not sure how in depth to go. I still have not completed my about me to my satisfaction.
DeleteLike we talked about in class, Weebly is not very user friendly but the more I work with it the more comfortable I feel! All the information and pictures has been pretty easy. A few times I questioned if I needed to be more professional, but then I realized I need to have fun facts about me or pictures with my cat, that is who I am and who ever sees this page needs to know the professional and personal side to me. I used all the tabs from the rubric except the teaching philosophy tab. I have a teaching philosophy that I made in foundations but since I am not planning on being a teacher I changed that tab to professional goals. In this tab I am going to share goals and hopes for the future in my desired profession which is counseling. So far making this site has actually been really fun and I am proud of the work that I am doing on it. Can't wait to finish it!
ReplyDeleteI like how you are making your teaching philosophy table a professional goals tab. For you, I think that is a great decision and will really help you in the long run. I am happy you are having fun making this website and you are being very personal!
DeleteYeah i agree with you about weebly and that's partly why i changed to wix but i think that they both have their benefits. I think that once you understand how to navigate weebly its more useful. I think its really good that you added what your personal interests and hobbies because that what make you who you are!
Delete• As you all begin your websites, share a little about the early journey.
ReplyDeleteWhen we were first given the task I was a bit intimidated and worried about how I was going to create a website! Once we were given the guidelines and some tools on how to go about creating the website I was less stressed and excited about having my own website. Once I began the process I began to get frustrated as I found it difficult to use weebly, I did not find it very user friendly, so I changed to wix and had much more success.
• How hard is it to come up with what to include?
The guidelines for what to include were helpful and I feel that there will be some aspects that I automatically won’t be able to include as I am only a sophomore. Though I am only at the beginning of the process and have not thought that far ahead, I know I am going to include my teaching philosophy, my resume and other relevant experience.
• How are you liking your About Me/Profile page?
I am not sure about my “about me” page, I don’t know how much to include. At this stage I have included all the information that I think is important, and when I am done with the entire website I am going to go back and see if there is anything that I missed out. I feel that the about me page is very important as it is what the reader first sees, it needs to be informative but also not too long and it needs to catch the reader’s attention, and it can be difficult to achieve this in such a small amount of words
• Did you find a good picture to use?
It was difficult to find a picture that captured who I am, I started out with a formal picture where I wasn’t smiling, but I felt that it did not fully show me as I smile all the time. So I changed it to a more fun and smiley one.
• Have you updated your resume, cultivated your experiences that are relevant? Start thinking about the next stages!
I have updated my resume and have been looking for relevant pictures to include on the website. So far the website project has been a huge learning experience for me! And I am really pleased that we are doing this project as I believe that it’s going to be really useful in the future.
QUESTIONS: The only questions I have so far are regarding the e-portfolio, I am not sure what that is and what it would look like
Your description about the challenges of the About Me page are spot on. There is a fine line of what is good and what will work well and I know I am struggling to find it! I am interested to see you Wix because I am doing my website on Weebly and do not know much about that site.
DeleteI also like the guidelines it has helped me a lot! Changing your picture to a smiley one was smart because I agree that you should choose a picture that shows the real you. It's a good idea to go back through everything and include more or take out things once you are finished
ReplyDeleteIt was hard for me to decide how far my "About me" should go in dept. I wanted to talk about my family because they are a big portion of my life but I didn't want to go too in dept about them. I really like my website so far. I really like that I decided to use a slideshow. I wanted to express my values through my slideshow. I still need to update my resume farther. I would like to get opinions on how to do so.
ReplyDeleteI agree that the About Me part can be a bit challenging. I want to share a lot but also I do not need a whole essay. Trying to figure out how to be short and sweet and to the point can be really challenging when you are talking about yourself.