Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Blog #7 Tech Tues. Stations

Share your reaction to how the stations worked, what did you learn from your own presentation/activity, and if you were doing this again, what would you do differently? What would you think of this as a future format for Tech Tuesdays? Blog by Friday, Sept. 28th and respond by class time next Tuesday May 2nd.


  1. I believe the stations were super beneficial and really allowed people to receive individual learning and maximized their learning. I learned that people ask specific questions that I never thought of before. If I were to do this again I would have made everyone make their own padlet. Overall I thought the structure of this Tech Tuesday way great. I think this would be a beneficial structure for Tech Tuesday as it allows more apps to be shared in a less intimidating way.

    1. I agree. I was recording peoples reactions and they seemed to really enjoy and ask questions in a more personable setting. Would you have time to have everyone make their own Padlet?

    2. For Quizizz, I discovered that the groups like doing the random quizzes on there compared to the one I made. So I know next time I would have let them pick a quiz to do as a group. I think allowing them to either create or have more choice with the padlet will make things a lot more memorable and interesting.

    3. I agree, people tend to want to interact with the stations. Not having the interactive part hurt my station because I was doing all of the talking and I felt like I would lose people about half way through talking about the apps.

    4. I think they feel more comfortable asking questions with such a little group and I thought the structure was good too. Simple apps would work well for this, but it would be harder for the apps/websites that take longer to get the hang of.

    5. Yeah I agree! I think that people were a lot more comfortable to ask questions and some people brought up some really important points, it was a really good way of having a group discussion.

  2. I think the stations worked well. The people who came could check out what interest them, and there is less pressure on the presenters. For me, doing the livefeed I felt so office lol. However viewers at home wont know everything about every app because I was just floating around, getting short parts of each persons presentation and peoples reactions to learning about the apps. So I think if viewers want to know more they will have to ask someone who presented or look it up on their own.

    1. Yeah that is a problem for the live feed. We may be able to record the presentations separately and post them on social media separately. That uses more time and more effort but the listeners would learn more from the presenters.

    2. I agree it was also hard to hear some of the presenters because it was kinda loud and the presenters may not have been talking loud enough. But overall I liked the facebook live so you could see al the reactions of the people learning new apps.

    3. Although the live feed in this scenario may not be the best, viewers might realize that they actually need to attend Tech Tuesday to get the most out of it.

    4. For this format I believe the important part for the viewers was seeing all of the people who attended reactions. It shows that Tech Tuesdays are fun and you are actually learning something. We could use this as more of a promotional video in the future.

    5. Yeah I think having the live feed is a good idea because it might make them want to go to the next session. Although for stations I am not sure how beneficial it is, because like you said you only got parts of everyone's presentation so they wouldn't know how to use the apps.

    6. I think that you did a great job with the live feed, but i agree with you i think that if we are going to continue to use this structure for future Tech Tuesday presentations we will maybe need to have more people doing the like feed so that we can get all of the stations. we could even have some of the audience do a live feed, of snapchats, it would be really good for publicity

  3. I really liked using the stations on Tuesday at Tech Tuesday. It is way more personal and it gave the people that came to the presentations an option of what station to choose. I liked being able to interact with my audience and having them give me feedback freely. They were not intimidated to ask questions because they were in a small group rather than a large group. Also, I think it was a big success to let people choose what interests them. You could see that they went straight to what they wanted to listen to but didn't go to the stations they didn't have interest in.

    1. I also agree this structure was less intimidating for both the presenter and the audience. It allowed for more questions and was less formal.

    2. The fact that a lot more questions were asked is something that I find great. I believe it shows that they were truly interested and trying to fully understand the apps compared to just listening to the lecture.

    3. It also gave people who don't normally wouldn't ask questions in a large group an opportunity to ask them.

    4. I also liked how it was more personal, and made it a lot easier to go over the details of the apps, as well as answer their questions without being nervous.

    5. Yeah you made a really good point about giving people an option, because when we only had one option i think that it limited people. There is always such a range of abilities in the audience so it is hard to keep everyone interested. the stations allow for us to have apps that are really easy and some that are a bit harder.

  4. I thought the stations were a good idea and a fun, interactive thing for people to do. It seemed like everyone liked the apps and that we had a variety of them. Rubistar went over very well with future teachers because they realized how beneficial it could be, and I showed it in a short amount of time. I thought about having them make their own accounts, but it isn't as easy on a phone and I knew it might be hard for them to remember their username and password with everything else going on. I could see this as a future format for Tech Tuesdays, just because a lot of apps do not need the whole 45 minutes we allow and it is a lot less intimidating for presenters.

    1. I agree that not all apps need 45 min so this was perfect. I also loved your app and think it will benefit many future teachers.

    2. The fact that we were all able to present a lot of different apps was great! I think everyone was able to get what they wanted out of the Tech Tuesday. I do believe that having this set up will make Tech Tuesday have higher attendance because everyone will not know exactly what is being presented and do not want to be left out.

    3. I feel like people got more out of the apps because they were able to go to the station that interested them.

    4. Yeah you made a good point about some of the apps being harder to used on a phone, but hopefully everyone will have their own I-Pad soon. I agree with you about the time, i think that we made good use of the time having the different stations as people learn so much in a small space of time

  5. I think that the stations went really well and I think that future tech Tuesday sessions should be done in this manner. I found that it was far less intimidating having to present to a group of 4-5 people, compared to presenting to 30+ people. In addition I felt that people gained a lot more from the smaller groups, everyone was required to use their device and practice with the app. People asked a lot of questions in the groups that I had, and I think that people felt more comfortable to ask any questions they had. In addition it was a lot easier to adapt the presentation to the specific group’s skills, when the groups would first arrive at my station I would ask them if they had used socrative before and depending on this answer I would adapt my presentation. For example I and one group where, surprisingly, no one had used or created a socrative, and then I had a group where everyone had used socrative so we had more of a group discussion on the pros and cons of socrative and what age group it is most appropriate for. I really enjoyed doing the stations and I felt that everyone learnt a lot
    If I were to do my presentation again I would prepare more activities for groups of different levels and abilities with the app. There was a large range of abilities in the groups that I had, for some that had not used socrative before I would do a more in depth on navigating the app, but in group with more skills I would have more of a group discussion

    1. I agree when you said that the groups got a lot more out of it. It was much more informal and a lot easier for us to explain things. Questions and answers were able to flow more fluently than compared to the presentation style.

    2. I agree, and if we keep doing it this way, there will be more and more apps that people may not have heard of.

    3. It is interesting to know who has used the apps and I think that is a reason it is good to have the stations. You can actually have conversations with them and figure out what they already know and what they don't.

    4. I completely agree presenting in front of 4 or 5 people was way less intimidating then 30+. I also agree that I think people got more out of it.

  6. I really enjoyed the stations! For Quizizz, I ran into some issues of already being in the middle of a quiz or the whole explanation and having to leave some people either out of the loop or repeating myself to others. I thought this was fun and made Tech Tuesday go a lot faster! I did notice as I was going though less and less people seemed to have devices compared when we just taught in front. Most likely because we were able to really work with every single person much easier. I would not change it by making time limits or making a mandatory rotation because then the attendees will have less choice and probably make it a lot less fun.

    1. I also had the problem of people coming in the middle of my presentation and I would have to back track a little so that they would understand what I was talking about.

    2. I had that too, but luckily my app was simple so no matter when they joined, it was easy to catch them up. I also liked the freedom of it and I think everyone else did too! Some like structure, but you don't want to choose for them because it could make it less fun like you said.

    3. I agree it was hard to accommodate those who popped in in the middle I wasn't sure weather to ignore them or repeat myself. I think people really enjoyed your Quizizzs station!

    4. Yeah there were a few people that arrived half way through when i was presenting, but at least they had the option to stay and hear it again or move on to another station, they had lots to choose from which was nice. And i think that people learnt a lot and mastered a lot of the apps so they could have even taught their friends after.

  7. I liked doing the stations because it made me less nervous to present to a smaller group of people. I also noticed that people who would not usually ask questions during a whole group presentation would ask their questions in the small group. The one down fall to this set up is that everyone's station moves at different speeds, this caused people to come in to other stations in the middle of presentations.

    1. I noticed the same thing! I think if this became a more regular thing it would work itself out and for the first time doing it, it ran pretty smoothly.

    2. I agree the only downfall I really saw was that everyone's station took different amounts of time. Overall I thought it was a successful TechTuesday.

    3. Yeah you and Madison made good points about the timing of the different stations, but we could work that out with more practice i think. I agree that it was easier to present to a smaller group.
