Monday, February 20, 2017

Blog #4 Jigsawing

Jigsawing is a relatively new concept in the world of teaching (15 years or so it's been used but really gained research-based acceptance in the past decade). How could you see using this concept in your future classroom? What do you feel are necessary components to jigsawing? i.e. Visual vs. no visual, tight concise concepts versus just conversational feedback...share what you feel would make it work better for you or what has/does work so far.
Post by Thursday Feb. 23rd at class time and respond by class next Tuesday, Feb. 28th.  

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Blog #3 Peer Teaching and QR Codes

Tuesday you all saw the last of the peer presentations on Tech Tools (Kelsey) and then shared potential uses of QR Codes. Now that you've seen what QR Codes can do and you've signed up to lead Tech Tuesday sessions, what are your thoughts on the tools you think would be best to demonstrate for students and faculty (are QR codes one of them? Or are you thinking there are more important tools to teach)? Each of you come up with 3-5 potential tech tools YOU think are worthy of a Tech Tuesday. If someone steals yours before you post it, pick something new!

Post by Tuesday, Feb. 14 and respond to classmates by Friday, Feb. 17.